The hills were covered with grass all the way to the horizon. Near the horizon, the green of the grass met the blue of the ocean. It rustled in the sea breeze. I did not recognize this place.
Flash Fiction
Dream Sequence 4: Ancient Portal
“4:13. We have five minutes!” Danny shouted.
“I’m in front of the door,” Xenia replied from below.
Danny carefully rappelled down the ancient stone edifice, its surface covered with faded pictograms. They would have a brief window of time to enter the treasure room.
Dream Sequence 3: Into the Storm
“Amagaeru is ready. Are you?” The oversized green frog sat in Tomo’s cupped hands, breathing rhythmically to the sound of the crashing waves. In the distance, dark clouds rolled and the churning sea roared.
Dream Sequence 2: The Homocide
I walked my dog along the lonely single-lane road. We came across an intersection where the gravel road met an asphalt road. A rusty gray mailbox sat at the corner, with a small, rusty gray ranch house about twenty yards behind it. Up the paved road was a newer apartment complex, rising about five or six floors up from a hill behind the old house.
Dream Sequence 1: The Flight of the Fish
I’ve been taking care of aquarium fish since I was seven. Until a fateful day last year, I had two albino cories, a tetra, and a few zebra danios in a small tank at the corner of my bedroom. Now, an empty fish tank sits in its place.