A young gaming prodigy’s world is turned upside down by a life-threatening illness. Transported to a mysterious, snow-covered realm, he walks a path lined with statues of gaming legends, confronting his own legacy and potential.
Short Stories
Jeff Mazos was too easily swayed. The world order was about to change and he had a chance to come out on top. It was an offer he couldn’t refuse. Mazos’ company was already one of the biggest and most powerful in the world. Mazon Corporation had made Jeff Mazos the richest man in the […]
A Tale of Two Towns
In a different place, and a different time, there is a country ruled by a totalitarian government. The government is not cruel. They have good—but often misguided—intentions. With good intentions, the government experiments on its people. It is an attempt to create the perfect society. One such experiment takes place along the banks of a […]